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sushii makes you hump messy diaper b4 change

Sushii comes over to your room for a diaper check... she s making you wear diapers 24/7 instead of pussy. She checks your diaper and sniffs the air... PU, you made a stinky in there already haven t you? how long have you been sitting in it? You re also wet in the front! Well, she starts pulling out pink rhumba panties, a pink satin dress, pink stockings and a pink bonnet, which she gleefully puts on you!! She loves keeping her sissy slave in diapers and away from pussy. Now that you re all pinked and sissied up, she wants to watch you hump your wet & messy gross diaper until you cum. She laughs and teases you as you re humping. Calling you a sissy loser, etc & giggling. After you cum, NOW you ve earned your diaper change... PU it s so stinky but she gets through it... with lots of wipes. Ugh... so gross. She s got you padded up again in a clean pink diaper. She talks about how she s going to parade you around her girlfriends and around campus. Such a pathetic, diapered loser wh

  • 00:12:36
  • Jul 18, 2024
  • 85


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