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erotic massage + anal with gabby

Gabby has been having a lot of tension and needs to have a little release. She decides to go to a massage parlor. Her masseuse is Adam and he has the experience and expertise to get rid of her tension. Gabby lays on her stomach and Adam rubs her shoulders and her back in a nice sensual way. Then he goes down to her butt and massages that. Gabby requests that her towel on her butt be removed and get attention. He kisses her nice asshole and then decides to give it a nice licking. She moans and enjoys it so well. Adam then has her roll over and massage her chest and then massage a particular muscle her nice cock. He delivers a nice tug of her cock. Gives a nice jerking. Gabby then notices a little attention in Adam s pants and has him on the table. She gives him the wettest, sloppiest blowjob ever. Lots of spit and a lot of tease as she sucks it up and down. So horny, Gabby hops on the table and puts his dick in her ass. Her ass needed a massage too. Then gabby gets on the table and gets fucked in both missionary and doggy with a little bit of frottage. Gabby sucks his cock until he cums in her nice face. DEFINITELY 5 STARS FOR THIS PARLOR!!!

  • 00:26:27
  • Jun 27, 2024
  • 53


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