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the big cock of my big plush bruno

I can t imagine life without my huge furry friends! My bed is a sea of colors and soft textures: a giant bear named Bruno, a sparkly unicorn named Stella, a pink rabbit named Caramella and many others. I love them all equally.
When I come home after a long day, there s nothing better than diving into their soft arms. Bruno is perfect for a reassuring hug, Stella stimulates my imagination and Caramella is always ready for a cuddle. They make me feel protected and loved, as if nothing bad could ever happen to me. Sometimes, when I m sad or stressed, I take refuge in my soft toy corner . There, surrounded by my silent friends, I can find calm and serenity. I know that they will never judge me and that they will always be there for me, ready to listen to my outbursts and give me a smile.
People might think it s strange to have so many stuffed toys, but I don t care. They are much more than just toys: they are my adventure companions, my confidants and my best friends. I couldn t i

  • 00:16:11
  • Jun 20, 2024
  • 25


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