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lizzy doll, michelle thorne, cindy behr, kit and kat lee in hardcore scene

Michelle Thorne wants to learn about sex, so she invites her beautiful friends Kit and Kat Lee over for some passionate fun. These lesbians know everything Michelle needs to learn, so they take their time in explaining just how she should use the toys, her tongue, and hands when pleasuring those of her fellow female sex in this steamy scene from, Life Class. Cindy is the ultimate housewife, because she dedicates her life to making sure her husband is feeling good at all times. She misses him while he s away at work all day, so every minute of his life with her should be absolutely legendary, starting with her tits. He loves coming home to her gigantic knockers, and especially looking at them while her lips wrap around his cock!

  • 01:15:10
  • Jun 18, 2024
  • 36


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