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big gapes and deep anal toys - jesse thai

Sometimes I just need my ass opened and filled. It is a crazy feeling. Like it is the only way I can feel satisfied. I got a new butt plug, and it is my biggest. It has three bulges, each bigger than the last. Do you think I can fit the whole thing inside? Let’s try and do it!

Starting with my large steel jeweled butt plug wearing a slutty blue dress I play taking it out and reinserting. I love this plug because it feels very heavy. Using fingers from both hands I reach back and open my ass for you. You can look inside. Next, I show my newest toy and try to fit it all inside. Playing and stretching my asshole I show off my gape. Wow! I wish I had a cock this big, it feels amazing.

Finally, I’m laying on the sofa with my heavy steel butt plug again and I change that for my long, clear dildo. This one is about the same size as a real cock, but longer. I slide it in and out of my ass fucking myself deeply until I squirt everywhere. It felt so good I lost control.

  • 00:25:51
  • Sep 03, 2021
  • 57


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