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airport rendezvous - crystal sucking dick in the escalade

Crystal Vegas, an amazing MILF with irresistible allure, is picked up from the airport in a luxurious Escalade. The moment she steps into the vehicle, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation. Without wasting any time, Crystal gets straight to business, her skilled mouth eagerly taking in the throbbing cock in the back seat.
As the vehicle cruises through the city, the intensity of her actions builds, creating a steamy and unforgettable encounter. However, the heated passion leads to a distracted moment, resulting in an unexpected crash. Despite the abrupt end, the experience with Crystal remains an electrifying memory of unrestrained pleasure.
Airport Rendezvous is a thrilling tale of spontaneous desire and high-octane passion. Crystal Vegas bold actions in the back of the Escalade turn a simple airport pickup into an unforgettable adventure of lust and excitement.

  • 00:25:17
  • Jun 10, 2024
  • 85


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