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studio sessions with a pawg -vocal cord training (no diddy)

In the heart of the recording studio, aspiring music executive Scorpio decides to take an unconventional approach to inspire his new artist, the sultry short-haired brunette, Christina Lina. Emulating the bold confidence of legendary music moguls, Scorpio tells her that all the greats have a secret to success—intimate inspiration.
As Christina Lina, eager to make her mark in the industry, complies, the atmosphere in the studio shifts from professional to intensely personal. Scorpio, channeling his best Diddy impersonation, watches as she skillfully glazes his cock, turning their recording session into an electrifying and unforgettable encounter.
Studio Sessions is a provocative tale of power dynamics and raw ambition. Scorpio s unconventional methods and Christina Lina s willingness to do whatever it takes for her career lead to a steamy and audacious exploration of desire and ambition in the music industry. is a provocative tale of power dynamics and raw ambition. Scorpio s u

  • 00:21:33
  • Jun 10, 2024
  • 77


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