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ginary teased and diaper wedgies for needing adult diapers

Ginary and Paris Luv are getting ready to go out for the evening but Ginary excuses herself to go do something really quick which is go into her secret room and put on a thick adult medical diaper! She knows she s developed bladder issues & the drive downtown is long and unpredictable so she needs her protection. After she puts it on and she s pulling her dress down, Paris happens to be wandering around the house & Ginary didn t close the door properly, so she sees Ginarys huge white diaper! She confronts her about seeing a diaper & Ginary tries to lie but she knows she can t hide it; it s loud and crinkly! Paris has so many questions & Ginary admits she has bladder leakage issues & she ll probably wet her diaper on the drive. Paris starts making fun of her & wants to see it. Then, she starts giving Ginary diaper wedgies, hard ones, as payback for bullying her in the past! Paris is MUCH taller than Ginary, so she grabs her diaper waistband & pulls hard, FR

  • 00:09:39
  • Jun 06, 2024
  • 124


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