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jade janzten wetting pants during interview

Jade Janzten is going for a professional interview as an event space director but she was almost late & didn t have time to find the restrooms before she hears the secretary call her name. She tries her best to maintain control during interview, crossing her legs and trying NOT to grab her crotch... but as soon as her potential boss leaves for a second, she s uncontrollably hissing hot piss out of her dress pants, making a giant puddle. OMG, it s streaming out of her pants & onto the floor, also getting on the leather seat!! Her interviewer walks in and smells the aroma of pee... and sees a big puddle underneath her. Jade has to explain what happened and how she lost bladder control!

  • 00:14:30
  • Jun 05, 2024
  • 50


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