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fu episode 2 gia derza bbc ass to mouth

In this episode of Flourish University, Gia Derza and Annie Archer did not know what to expect when they got to orientation at the special sex & academics unique college. Gia was complaining about her boyfriend saying she gave bad blowjobs. Well, it just so happens that their Professor on this day was Isiah Maxwell. Who only had room for 1, So Annie left to go sign up for his course in Dick-ology. Gia immediately swam over and begin deepthroating his massive 10 in black dick. He stood tall over her and gave her a bit of face fucking. Then he got in the pool with her and fucked her in many positions. At one point her head was being ducked in the water (like bobbing for apples) while he fucked her (very intense). They went to the deck and then proceeded for 20 minutes of squirting in reverse cowgirl as well as several intense ANAL sex positions and an anal creampie in the end.

  • 00:22:50
  • Jun 04, 2024
  • 355


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