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poolside pleasures! 815v2h

Stacy Silver never fails to make men hard with her charming ways. Today she was basking out near the pool when she noticed our camera guys rolling in and she thought she might have a little fun. Well, their no dummies, they caught it all on film and video, so here s a little peak of that pop tart in action!
She wastes no time at all showing us that trimmed blonde hum hole Even squats and gapes the pink chew-able for us. And of course, it wouldn t be a pool scene without two fingers in the asshole while doggy styling our minds away! She really gets into showcasing those long legs for us, even while taking a clear coat dildo up inside her. She seems really horny, I sure hope somebody took care of her!

  • 00:01:37
  • Sep 16, 2001
  • 25


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