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maintenance man gets a good tip

As the local maintenance man around Las Vegas I get a lot of calls and this one particular day I got a call from someone I never heard from before. She called me and asked me to come to her apartment to help with an electrical issue she was having. I arrived and when I saw who she was I was stunned. It was a fine little asian milf that was stacked in all the right places, well she showed me to the area she was having the electrical issues and I told her I could fix it and it wouldn t take me long. From the way she was acting I thought she was flirting but I paid it no mind. I went and got my tools and was about to proceed to work on the issue, but something told me to check the light bulb in the lamp. I checked it and I found out that the fucking light bulb wasn t in all the way. I felt like this was a waste of my time, so I walked out to the living room where she was at and I told her that nothing needed to be fixed it was just the light bulb was loose. I was getting ready to walk out

  • 00:19:57
  • May 30, 2024
  • 108


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