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busty babe loves fresh cum

Stacy Saran is a wonderland of sexual adventure, and given the chance to do what she wants, she always chooses to be even kinkier than any casting agent would have asked her to be. Today she sucked and fucked a man who is damn near seventy and helped him feel like he was twenty-two all over again!You have got to love porn movies that seem to think they are major Hollywood productions. They go to all this trouble to make a script when none of the whores are capable of acting and they shoot the flick with soft lenses when all you really want to see are hard charging fuckfests. Well, at least the sex in this one is excellent.Cassandra Calogera is a beautiful redhead, who is getting her massive knockers squeezed, massaged and sucked on, while her boyfriend waits for her to pull down her moist panties, allowing him to slide his hard cock deep into her totally shaved snatch, where she rides on his lap, along with bending over, until he gives her a pearl necklace cumshot.

  • 00:55:28
  • May 24, 2024
  • 68


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