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best morning passionate sex with the fire goddess of beauty - sex therapy - pov - full ver

Afrodite and Apollo woke up in a luxurious London hotel room, where their passion found its embodiment. The morning light penetrated through the curtains, revealing the contours of their naked bodies. Their glances, piercing like Apollo s arrows, sparkled with passion and secret attraction.

Afrodite, in the rays of the morning light, shone like a living Greek statue, framed by feathers of golden radiance. Playfully, she invited Apollo, as if a god, knowing that this romantic episode would last not just one eternity.

Oh, the radiance of my Apollo, whose hands penetrate the most secret corners of my soul, whispered Afrodite, igniting the flame of passion. Apollo, like a Shakespearean duke, whispered sweet poems in response, like a confession of a young lover.

The heavy velvet curtains revealed a view of the vast cityscape, and the passion of Afrodite and Apollo created their own picture of a love symphony. They savored every moment, like characters from the most in

  • 00:45:08
  • May 15, 2024
  • 303


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