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passionate and raw fuck of amateur couple

A raw amateur couple couch sex session that looks amazing, staring me and his hard cock that fucks me so well. We started passionately making out while he was playing with my holes. He was really interested in them, stretching and licking my ass before I went down on him. He pushed his dick in my throat and chocked me a bit, just to turn me on for raw sex. He fucked me from behind and when he saw how perfect my booty was looking, he pulled out and licked my asshole some more. Then I got on top and rode him till he almost came. He tossed me on the couch and splashed his load on my thighs, abs and tits. He had a pretty nice load that came shooting strongly.
Tags : cumshot, teen, teenager, petite, blowjob, rough, doggystyle, amateur, homemade, young, sensual, fitness, kink, big-cock, big-boobs, passionate-sex

  • 00:17:38
  • May 18, 2020
  • 28


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