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Check your inbox now to get this full film, or if you missed it, tip below to get your copy.
This extra long extended trailer is for my fans eyes only 😘

hypnohedonista and redridingbrat decided they wanted to pit myself and kayleth against each other to see who had the best submissive slut (though mostly it was just an excuse to have some sadistic fun!) Challenges were pulled out of a basket at random and included tolerating intense vacuum pumps on our nipples, making the most drool from a handful of skittles in our gagged mouths, taking a hard paddle, eating chocolates of the floor as fast as possible while restrained, and a clover clamp nipple tug of war! You ll have to watch to see who won each individual challenge but I think we all agreed that in the end everyone won and Trix and Louise had an awful lot of sadistic fun! This is a really cute and fun video but with some genuinely very painful moments for Kayleth and I, and a few bloopers at the end :)

  • 00:03:45
  • Apr 02, 2021
  • 31


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