In the heart of Miami, amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, a chance encounter at a local nail salon sparks an unexpected connection. A hardworking professional finds solace in the calming atmosphere of the salon, where he encounters a talented nail artist. Their initial interactions are brief, but a subtle chemistry lingers in the air.
As they continue to cross paths, a bond forms between them, transcending cultural barriers and societal expectations. Their burgeoning romance unfolds amidst the backdrop of Miami s diverse landscape, with its vibrant streets and eclectic communities.
Riley Evans, Charisma Capelli, Daniel, James, Oklahoma
Mike, Jonny Rocket, Champ, Max, Angel Real, Trent Peters, James, Brian Jacobs, Krazed, Alejandro, Case, Alex, Reese, Jimmy, Daxx, Scott Judd, Young J, Izzy, Varacuba, Jae West, Daniel, Mandingo, Kris, Marcos, 300, Kemer, Johnny Raye, Rave Jacobs, Josh, Tye, Dave, Bronx Boii, Topher, Hollywood, Juan, Chris, Aventura, Scotty, Junior, Nick, Reborn, Sergey, Papigago, Blue, Mr. Poison, Curtis, George, Jasper, Ponch E. Rello, Dan Foxx, Damian
James, Clark Cunt, Sean Mavrick, Sean Payton, Johnathon Pierce, Michael Ridgewood, Nicoli, John B, Slow, Peter Jackson, Rocco, Kiril, Wilson, Tommy Banks, Terry Payne, Paulo Fernandez, Dre, Big Rudy, Chris, Mike, Chris Jizzler, John Daniels, Steve, Brent