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all sweaty with no place to sit

I am so happy you convinced me to run! I used to loath running, but you make me feel so good after. However, my sweating is pretty intense. I really feel gross and sweaty, so I am not comfortable sitting on your couch! Plus, it is leather, so it is sticky! I was going to just sit on your floor, but you made an interesting offer that I couldn t refuse. You said that you want to be my chair! You want me to sit on your face so you can taste and smell my hot sweaty pussy. Well, if you insist!

Thank you so much for letting me sit on your face and giving my clit a nice, relaxing, massage with your tongue! My feet are killing me from our run, and I think I am cooled off enough to finally sit down without sticking to your couch! But when you lay down on the floor it becomes clear you aren t finished with your worship yet. One by one you take off my smelly shoes and give them a deep sniff. My socks soon follow and before I know it you are sucking on my smelly feet ready to bust a nut in

  • 00:13:19
  • May 07, 2024
  • 22


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