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matty s virgin patty

Matty is a super horny, super-hot virgin. Seeing other people and imagining that they are fucking is only making it worse. Her Step dad Yanick tries to take her out to cheer her up, but she is only interested in dick. She shows him that her panties are a swimming pool. He offers to introduce her to some guys, but Matty cannot wait any longer. She tells her step dad he is going to fuck her. Yanick doesn’t think it is a good idea. Matty wonders if she is not pretty enough. He assures her that is not the reason. So, she bends over in front of him and it’s about as much as he can take. He buries his face into her ass and Matty could not be happier. Yanick dick is now swollen and when he pulls it out, she puts it in her mouth. But neither of them can hold out anymore and they are ready to fuck. He slides it in and never looks back. For her first time she takes it really well. Yanick fucks her as hard as a human could fuck another and Matty loves it. After coming on her face, he makes her pr

  • 00:37:30
  • May 05, 2024
  • 493


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