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agonizingly prepared for his longest orgasm ever

Yara is scantily clad. She wears a vinyl thong, which highlights her butt wonderfully. Her breasts are covered by a matching vinyl bra, but it slips to the side much too easily and exposes her small, round breasts. The cat mask also fits perfectly into the overall picture. The crowning glory of the outfit, however, are the fishnet stockings that flatter her long, slender legs.

Cosmo lies tied up on the bed in a latex suit. Gracefully Yara moves and tongues him around the mouth. So far, one can only guess why this is bothering Cosmo. When Yara opens the zipper in the crotch, it then quickly becomes clear. Cosmo wears a ring that is fixed to his balls. Any excitement will be paired with pain.
Now begins a devilish game. As gently as possible, Yara begins to lick him. Only the tip of her tongue touches the penis, which quickly becomes harder and harder. Tirelessly the sadistic cat licks the cock. Cosmo goes into a frenzy of pain and horniness.

As soon as he comes even clo

  • 00:27:19
  • May 04, 2024
  • 53


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