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unconventional sale

In a bold move, real estate developer s wife Keiyra Lina takes charge of showing off a vacant property to the head of the construction team. With her husband preoccupied elsewhere, Keiyra seizes the opportunity to demonstrate her sales prowess in an unconventional setting: the parking lot of the building itself.
As Keiyra and the construction team leader survey the property from the vantage point of the parking lot, she employs her charm and persuasive skills to close the deal. However, what transpires between them leaves little doubt that her methods were more than just professional.
When her husband eventually learns of the unorthodox manner in which she finalized the deal, he is sure to be less than thrilled. Keiyra s actions may have secured the sale, but at what cost to her marriage and her reputation?
Join Keiyra Lina on a journey of high-stakes negotiations and unexpected consequences in Unconventional Sale, where the line between business and pleasure blurs, and the

  • 00:29:15
  • Apr 28, 2024
  • 117


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