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horny on the night shift! 5975h

How about this for a beginning of the week treat? The gorgeous May in her socks! Moonlighting at the local hospital, she gets bored on her night shift and decides to get a bit kinky! Lucky for you she recorded it all live and you get to whack off to her, which is exactly what she had hoped for!
Wearing some white ankle socks she teases our foot craving desires, then pulls them off to have our balls tighten and scream for release! The sight of those lovely toes on her sexy blonde body is almost too much. Then she takes a stethoscope and checks for heartbeat on her clit. Uh-oh! It s pulsing at a rapid rate! Someone stick their cock in her! Oh wait, she s making it easier with Buddha stance on the patient table. Perfect! Wooops, all the excitement got her bladder in a bunch, and she ends up pissing all over her poor foot! It s okay May, we will be glad to lick your foot squeaky clean!

  • 00:12:29
  • May 15, 2005
  • 44


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