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mistress with long legs has her feet worshiped

The mistress is gracefully enthroned on a magnificent throne. She orders her slave Dog to join her. He quickly makes his way to her on all fours.

He finds his place on the floor next to her feet. Attracted by the bewitching smell, he may then worship the feet. A few mistakes happen to him, which the mistress corrects immediately. His head has to nourish the foot instead of the foot being led to the head.

After Dog has licked the red soles of the elegant shoes, he may even take them from the feet of the mistress. Attentively and reverently he takes off her wonderful shoes. Only to then be allowed to take care of the even more beautiful feet.

He licks them and may take them in his mouth to show his adoration. Finally, the mistress also uses his face as a foot rest. What an honor for the slave to lie under the feet of the mistress.

  • 00:13:55
  • Apr 26, 2024
  • 47


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