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larissa in bondage subjected to infinite orgasms!

I have Larissa once again subdued and tied to my bed, with her arms and legs spread and in just her panties. This blonde with big breasts and perfect body is already a beautiful sight normally. But watching her in bondage, entirely at my disposal, with her legs open is something notoriously satisfying! She doesn t like being tied up and when her body writhes trying to free herself from the ropes, her voluminous breasts bounce in an incredibly sexy way! And I decide to start the game. In fact, my goal is to make her have sequential orgasms causing extreme agony and pleasure, leaving her confused and exhausted. And that s exactly what I do using an electronic stimulator and also my hands, which explore her pussy internally without removing her panties, which as I said, I find incredibly sexy! Of course, I also take the opportunity to touch and feel her feet and soles, but today my focus is on orgasms!

  • 00:16:44
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • 146


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