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joi card game - immeganlive x claradee

Welcome to Megan s special JOI Card Game! I m the dealer while you and Clara Dee gets to play with me. I will be drawing cards and based on those cards, actions will need to be taken. Here are the rules. Aces to 10 determines the speed that you are going to stroke. 1 is slow and 10 is fast. On my end, I will control Clara s Hitachi speed accordingly! Face cards means two things; first, both Clara and I needs to take off a piece of clothing, then it s dealer s choice on the speed of the Hitachi and how fast you ll stroke for me! Finally, last rule, when and only when the joker is out that both of you are allowed to cum! Get ready for the most intense card game you’ve ever played, this is going to be fun!!!
Tags : handjob, masturbation, moaning, orgasm, strip-tease, big-tits, joi, small-tits, hitachi, joe, dirty-talking, nipple-pinching, jerk-off-instructions, boobs-play, jerk-off-encouragement, card-game, joi-games, edging-games, assisted-masturbation, clara-dee

  • 00:13:23
  • Jan 03, 2022
  • 65


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