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Dirty secrets are usually something one keeps to his or herself, but when it comes to the lusts of Sammy Rhodes and Lexi Love, they aren t keeping things separated. In the workroom, in the kitchen, or on the bar, it doesn t matter where these lesbians fuck, because they re just so horny.Brooke Banner has always wanted to get fucked on her porch, so she makes an effort to get her boyfriend very horny while they sit and chit chat about the farming duties to be tending to tomorrow morning. Soon he catches the hint and whips out his dick for her to start sucking, and of course, sit on.Daisy Marie is all about living the good life, and she s not happy unless her bad boy of a husband is doing his part to make her sexually satisfied. She needs help taking off her shoes as she s so hungry for cock that she can t even accomplish that. Sucking his dick works out much more smoothly, as she s great at slurping down a throbbing boner, because she knows its about to get rammed into her pussy!

  • 00:39:39
  • Apr 09, 2024
  • 71


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