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Seems like the ugly chicks are out today. We ride around for a bit and it s like the day is going bust. Then suddenly we pull up on a chick waiting for a real estate agent. We looks like we are the agency and we forgot the papers and keys. Our realtor identity is in full tilt, but she still won t get in. Guys are hitting her from every angle, then finally she jumps in, knowing full well were not realtor agents, but pick up and fuck agents we are!

She s in a heat as Brain continues to throw the sexual banter at her, and asks if she will show her cunt for a discount on the flat. She s not having it. She gets a bit fighty with Steve, but then down come her pants, Steve s tongue darts in and Boom, she s prepped and ready for fuck! Nice shaved pussy with long legs, and a hungry mouth as a bonus! Deepthroating Mr. Q down to the balls and enjoying a365 degree fuckathon encompassing every position in the book with her in doggy and reverse cowgirl cumming hard. Time to clean that cum off

  • 00:28:03
  • Apr 05, 2024
  • 55


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