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artist painted her new model and had a sex with her

It was soo incredible when I finally found a posing model who agreed to go a bit further! She was so beautiful and I cannot hold myself no more. I enjoyed her body a lot and asked to undress to pose for me naked. And you know what? She was happy to do it! I bit shy, a bit excited, but everything for perfect! I got so carried away that I forgot about the canvas and started painting on her body. Do you think I made it right?

Perhaps, because, she likes it a little bit more than before! When all her body was covered in paintings, we already was so close to kiss each other! And she offered to paint myself! I undressed and we got covered my body too! Does it look nice? Would you play with both of us? Then we went to shower to clean our skin and played with each other there as well! She s so sexy! I cannot hold myself no more! When we ve back to painting room, I started to play with her candidly.

Oh, it took us in some other direction and we started licking each other s legs an

  • 00:30:18
  • Mar 27, 2024
  • 67


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