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Audrey Hollander is an anal queen who is willing to get her ass stretched out to inhuman limits, all in the name of porn. She knows that her fans love her for it, and likes keeping them happy. She loves the intensity of anal and DP and can t wait to taste the jizz that her guys pop over her.Katrina Isis is a tight bodied fitness instructor during the week and a fired up a target from Friday to Sunday. The scene shows off her stamina and the fact that she likes being DPed more than she likes being paid.Many directors are asked if it is more challenging to start in a movie where they have to direct themselves. For Audrey Hollander it wasn t a challenge at all. She just puts herself in the hands of her costars and lets them lead her by the hair from start of the scene to glorious finish!

  • 01:14:55
  • Mar 26, 2024
  • 69


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