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total destruction - aroma or herb strong hits

Total destruction for you loser, it s time to goon for me, I want you to get lost. It s so easy to manipulate you. I want you to follow my instructions, stare at my tits and jerk that cock for me, yes, you are my favorite jerkaholic, a porn addict, an obedient slave. Your brain is completely fucked up, I don t want you to do tiny hits, I wanna ruin you. Stroke and spend for your Goddess. You can t make decisions. You re completely under my control. I want you to edge for me and take another big hit. How does it feel? You feel so weak and miserable. I will take every single dollar from your wallet, I want you high, horny and weak, spend and stroke, give me everything, you can t stop spending, I m your most intense addiction.
Tags. mesmerize, mind fuck

  • 00:15:06
  • Mar 23, 2024
  • 38


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