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vika gets diaper punished and slowly regressed

Vika had a wetting accident in her leggings on the way home & tries to sneak into the house but it busted by her other half (It s me, Diaperperv, doing the diapering but I DO NOT TALK at all in this video & only try to show my arms. So you can insert your own dialogue.) Vika gets diapered right there on the floor!! So humiliating and embarassing because she doesn t want to wear one!! Pants get yanked off, diaper fluffed and under her, wipes and lots of powder! She s in disbelief that she s gotta do everything in her diapers. Later on, she s chillin on the couch & is given water in a bottle!! Seriously?? Yessss... it s part of your plan to turn her into an AB. I diaper check her as she s doing dishes. Later on, she tells you she needs to go #2. You don t allow her toilet usage... she s already wearing it. You stuff a pacifier in her mouth instead. She sits on the toilet diapered & begs you to let her use the toilet for #2 while rubbing her tummy. Fade out!

  • 00:12:08
  • Apr 04, 2024
  • 220


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