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haley spades – vr video part two - tiny spinner trades sports gang for a hardcore gangbang

Check out the second part of this virtual reality (VR) trilogy starring petite blonde Haley Spades. If you have ever wanted to see what it is like to film and direct a porn scene this is your chance. This unedited director s cut is filmed from a behind-the-scenes (BTS) aka voyeur angle. Haley Spades decides to get even with her cheapskate sugardaddy by advertising his prized sports card collection for sale. Dean Van Damme and his best friends Charlie Dean and Matt Bird see the vintage cards listed and decide they have to buy them. They go to visit Haley Spades at her home and are shocked to see that there are even more cards than she listed. The horny little blonde tells the best friends they can have all the cards if they agree to gangbang her. The guys are shocked but quickly agree to the demands of the tiny blonde. Haley Spades is thrilled when she sees the huge cocks of Matt and Charlie as she has no idea the sports-collecting nerds would be so well endowed. The dirty-talking dynam

  • 00:38:49
  • Mar 21, 2024
  • 163


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