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feed my cum fetish (with kassondra raine) - jerk off insructions

Kassondra is excited that you are as hot as your online photo and she takes a seat on your bed. You move close to her and she backs you off. She is not that kind of girl, but she does have a huge cum fetish. Will you jerk off and let her watch? You immediately agree and you would have agreed with anything that this sexy redhead suggested, frankly. Your get your dick out and begin stroking off. Horny cock tease Kassondra takes off her shoes and she tells you how good your cock looks to her. Those over-the-knee socks and short denim shorts made your dick hard right from the start. Her bra now off, you see her small titties. She maneuvers on the bed to make sure that you can see all the best parts of her petite body. Kassondra is eager to see how quickly you can stroke yourself. Make sure you use both hands on that dick. She can see that you are getting close to an orgasm and she is getting more and more excited as she rubs her pussy. You cum with her and show off your impressive load.

  • 00:07:51
  • Jun 25, 2024
  • 25


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