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slave needs more air than he is given

Right at the beginning, Miss Yara ties the slave to grids hanging in the corner on the wall. Already put in this position, there is no escape for the delivered slave Canvas.

He stands there, a mask over his head, which leaves only a tiny hole to and has nothing but the next gasp of air in his head.

This changes, however, when Miss Yara starts to tamper with his private parts. She takes the balls and ties them tightly down so that the slave can no longer stretch his legs but has to stand slightly bent.

As if that wasn t enough to think about, she also fixes his head tightly in the neck. The pressure on the windpipe does not exactly improve the slave s situation.

But then the real game begins. The mean mistress starts to close the air hole with a finger. The mask nestles tightly against the slave s face, but not a bit of air gets through. As soon as she takes the finger away again and air comes through the hole again, the slave just gasps for air. However, he

  • 00:24:49
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • 40


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