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khloe kapri gets a new stepfather

Khloe Kapri arrived home from camp to discover that she has a brand new Step Father. She decided to surprise her mom by not telling her that she was returning. However, she was the one that received the surprise when she discovered her mom fucking who she later discovered to be her new step-father. After she introduced herself she left her mom’s bedroom. However, hours later she ran into her step-dad in the kitchen, where she decided to come on to him and see what made her mom settle down. She reached in his boxers and pulled out his cock. She then, shoved it deep down her throat. Not fully convinced her step father stopped her and went back to bed. While he was in bed, Khloe tipped towed her way in. After waking him up, they got down to business. Khloe’s new step father stretched her tiny little pussy while her mom slept on the same bed. They tried to be quiet as much as possible. Finally she got what she wanted, her step-father’s cum in her mouth.

  • 00:35:24
  • Sep 12, 2018
  • 853


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