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the wet t shirt contest

We met up with Aryana Adin on a real sunny day in Miami and it was hot as fuck out that day. The funny thing is that even though it was hot as fuck Aryanas nipples were still rock solid. It seemed like she had been thinking hard on the day we were going to finally do this thing and record a couple movies with her. She was ready let me tell you. She pretended to be all shy at first, but as soon as we brought her back to the crib she was down for the crown. We set up in the bathroom and started to film in the shower. She was already wearing the sexiest white T so it was logical we pour some water all over it. She was so cool and she did a great job squeezing those big tits she s got. What else can one ask for? Give us a lady with big tits, big ass & a cute face and we re good to go. Enjoy!

  • 00:39:36
  • Nov 23, 2011
  • 115


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