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Here we go again with an episode of the best tug jobs in town, the name is Veronica and simply this girl takes no prisoners. This hot mama knows that when you give a hand job, you have to be smooth but most important is the speed, how is it going to be done. There is a flow to the hand job that gives you that quality and Veronica has it all. She started striping, moving all around the room, showing that nice ass and those beautiful curves, when she took her panties i saw that round ass and her pussy is more like a pink flower, blooming. She moved slowly towards my cock and rubbed it nicely, she was in no hurry. Her job was to give me the best pleasure and she did it, my dick was hard and i exploded like a volcano. Just give it a try you ll not regret it.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 07, 2007
  • 59


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