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endure uncomfortable position and heavy beating

After Dog was allowed to show his humility in a short greeting, in the form of a foot kiss, it goes to the point. Miss Yara, dressed in a transparent, high-cut body with a pearl necklace that serves more badly than good as panties, unceremoniously stretches the slave dog in an iron ring. He hardly has time to become aware of the hopeless situation.

Already punches are raining down on him. She starts with a leather clap. The slaps of the clap resemble those of a hand. Only clearly worse. The pain is getting stronger, but the doggie is motivated. A big reward awaits him.

The reward consists of sniffing the crotch of the mistress. The doggie enjoys the break, which seems much too short. And already it goes on. Blow by blow, stroke by stroke the once so immaculate butt is transformed into a battlefield of red welts.

The legs of the doggie already seem to fail. He had hope that it would now be done. Then the mistress orders even more blows out of pure willfulness. 50 at

  • 00:04:02
  • Apr 10, 2024
  • 41


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