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stealth fucking behind the yoga instructor with jordan starr and benvi bareback

Jordan retakes control of the wheel (so to speak). The fucking gets faster. If you’re going to give dick, there’s nothing wrong with taking it. Benvi sits on the ball with Jordan straddling him. He guides Benvi’s staff until it disappears. Once settled, Jordan goes up and down. The studs switch things up, Jordan leans on the ball (his knees on the floor) and Benvi puts his face between those round butt cheeks, snacking on the man hole. He spits on his rod and re-enters. Jordan holds on, whimpering with each stroke. Don’t misunderstand the sobbing. Look at Jordan’s johnson. It’s parallel to his stomach and the floor. His prostate is getting rammed right. They decide it’s time for Benvi to be fucked one more time. This time he gets on the floor, pulling his legs to his chest. When Jordan returns to deep diving, Benvi strokes his meat. “Just like that,” he whispers. His eyes roll back. “I’m going to cum!” Benvi calls out...

  • 00:34:42
  • Mar 13, 2024
  • 138


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