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first date furiyssh full

In a slightly more patriarchal society than ours, it is a well known, unwritten law that women have to please their date orally on the first date. And of course, they have to do a very good job at pleasing the man in order to be invited on a second date.
Wendy was lucky enough to land a date with a man, but she is nervous about her ability to meet his expectations. It is extremely important for her to do a good job and get a second date.
The man, Mr. Hardstone, has dated quite a few girls and knows exactly what he wants. He is perfectly comfortable using a girl just to get off without the slightest concern for her. He is very specific in his demands and tells the girl exactly what he wants and is seriously annoyed if she fails or does not exactly follow or understand his instructions.
And then 9 pages of text)
Tags : blowjob, rough, toy, submissive, rough-sex, russian, roleplay, lace, role-play, ammature, verbal-humiliation, 60fps, verified-amateurs, gag-talk, tattooed-wome

  • 00:26:30
  • Nov 06, 2020
  • 13


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