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lesbians work a vibrator into their wet pussies and tight asses

Ellen Padilha is enjoying her stay in Brazil, and she s wearing a tiny string bikini as she sets up a silky blanket down by the pool. This outdoor scene has Ellen s lithe, milky-white body writhing in as she fucks a thick, Brazilian black dock. Her pussy and ass are split practically in half as she cries out in pleasure, and she finishes him off by taking a load of his cum on her gorgeous face!Out on a sailboat in the tropical waters off the island there are two spermaids frolicking in the water. When they make it onboard a passing sailboat they batten down a lot more than the hatches in this torrid tale of lesbian passion.Check out blonde beauty Jessi Summers as she shows you how she pleasures herself when she s home alone and no booty calls around. She sinks a big blue vibrator in and out of her pussy and knows where to hit all the right pleasure spots.

  • 00:48:06
  • Mar 06, 2024
  • 55


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