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her sharp claws generate agonizing red stains

In Louboutin high heels with bright red soles and also red Bordelle underwear with suspenders, the mistress presents herself in a noble outfit, which together cost a small fortune. The noble straps flatter her figure and the high-quality fabric shines seductively.

Dog is fixed with his hands to the ceiling in the middle of the room. His back is still immaculate. However, this will now change quickly. The perfectly red painted fingernails of the mistress will bore into his back like claws.
And there it goes already. Painfully ratchets the hand over the back. It first leaves a white line, which then quickly turns red. Dog moans in pain and pleasure. With each new scratch, his cries of pleasure become deeper and more animalistic.

At some point Miss Yara frees his penis from the tight panties and is horrified by the erection that just jumps out at her. She comes to the conclusion that she hasn t marked her doggy hard enough yet and gets back to work.

The back is tre

  • 00:02:39
  • Mar 05, 2024
  • 29


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