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asmr spy on samantha38g

ASMR spy on Samantha38g
Here is a re-edited video from the past of me drying my blonde hair, but added some ASMR. I talk naughty all the way through the video. Can you last all 15 minutes before orgasming? How many of you jerk off to come quickly so you can go about your day? Which trains you to cum quickly, which may not be a good thing if you are having sex with someone else. I tell you to slow down at different times to enjoy being in the moment.
During this video you get to watch different parts of my chubby body. We start off with the boobs and face. Letting you enjoy the movement of my tits as I dry my hair. Then I move the camera from below and point it at my belly. You can see how much my huge g-cup tits stand out from my body. The nipples always semi-hard at all times poking through the holes of the lime green fishnet dress.
Tags : blonde, milf, mature, chubby, curvy, big-ass, bbw, big-tits, asmr, ignroe

  • 00:16:36
  • May 08, 2022
  • 92


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