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liberal feminist - anal gaped & facefucked

Hi, I m 43-yr-old Sammi Starfish, your favorite real life milf wife and taboo role player. This is a political spoof that aims to both degrade women and to make liberals look extremely stupid. I role play as a dumb liberal milf who is going door to door to garner support for Joe Biden s presidential campaign. But it appears I have knocked on the door of a conservative Trump supporter. It doesn t take him long to figure out how absolutely stupid I am. So he takes advantage and acts like he is a Biden supporter in need of my help making a political video to support Biden. He soon has me spreading my asshole for a camera and grabs me by the pussy . It is a satirical video that makes fun of both parties, but mostly at stupid liberal voters. A very long video where I get completely humiliated, face fucked, and fucked up the ass again and again until my asshole is gaping wide open. Then when he is done using me, humiliating me, gaping my asshole, and just destroying me he leaves to go vote

  • 00:57:26
  • Mar 01, 2024
  • 395


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