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pantyhose blowout

These two super-cute blondes, Erica Fontes from Portugal (in the green sneakers) and Lucy Heart from the Russian Federation, are in a very cock-teasing mood today in their fetish XXX video crammed with pantyhose porn! They’re both wearing stretchy tights under their shorts and they want us to go crazy stroking our dicks as they play with their long legs and tasty feet! It’s a real pantyhose blowout! Taking down their shorts they tantalize us leg fetish style with their booties and gams in the stretchy hosiery, licking at each other’s crotch and sliding their hands under the fabric. Then they get rid of their shoes (as well as their tops) so they can rub their titties and their tongues with toes and soles and bare hot heels! Look at Erica’s multi-polished toes and Lucy’s tomato reds, both size 7.5! These dolls do everything from sniff their shoes to rip the pantyhose with their teeth to suck and lick their toes, entwining their tootsies and then rubbing them against their snatches too. And speaking of rubbing, they told us in the studio they demand all us members to rub one out EVERY TIME we look at their toe sucking, foot worship Full HD video and pics!! Sure, they’re demanding...but when girls can make our balls so full, we’re squirting!!!

  • 00:30:54
  • Dec 08, 2014
  • 274


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