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triple hairy targets!

Today we present to you one of our dazzling dames from Latvia, Beata Undine as she shows us what it s like to grow some hair on her perfect pie! As a bonus, she even grew out some underarm stubs for those of you who like to get a good whiff of armpit while strokin your pud.Beata relaxes on a brown leather couch in her see-through panties and pink top. The look on her face alone tells us that she s aching for a good fuck. Alas, no one around to please her. What a shame. It s your mission to show her how good you d stick it to her within the time frame of this set. Are you up to it? Just look at those juicy fruits hanging from her chest, beckoning to be savored, and that toasty little muffin just sprinkled with hair. Hair so fine you could floss your teeth with it while pleasuring her little box with your cock. She s got herself all worked up by the scent of her whiskery armpits, inhaling her own phermones to pump up her already super-charged libido. Can you do it? Could you spray her with your liquid and target all three furry targets at once? Yeah, you can do it. We know you can!

  • 00:19:42
  • Sep 07, 2012
  • 263


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