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flower power - her pink petals are ready for picking

To help you cure those winter blues, today we have a summery scene with Vanessa Staylon for you to take in and gratify your shafts senses with! The blue eyed college babe has a garden scene that just might compel you to run outside for your own naked outdoor romp!Her feminine flower with it s big petals fits in perfectly with this outdoor XXX glamour porn scene, and the blonde bombshell is quick to get to playing with her rosebud as she sits down spread eagle on the chair, and her sexy solo show begins.With her legs parted she gets up close with our cameraman while she teases her shaved pussy through her lacy lingerie. But she ll soon be au naturel and showing us a cute trick she can do with her lower lips; shaping them into a heart shape using her fingers. How cute!This Czech cutie has a lovely long pink slit you ll wish you were diving into but don t worry, Vanessa Staylon is here to stay for your enjoyment!

  • 00:18:55
  • Dec 20, 2015
  • 192


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