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gorgeous smile & amazing butthole

The awesome newcomer Avril Sun returns! In her first appearance during early August, Avril stripped down; now, naked on the couch, she excites herself with a remote control vibrator egg and gives us amazing views of her truly delectable asshole. She presses the vibrator against her clit and into her dark pussy lips, spreading her legs wide as she loses herself in arousal. Avril, whose pretty face resembles that of the American actress Jessica Biel, goes far beyond anything that Jessica would do as she smilingly stuffs her snatch with the toy, switching positions on the couch so that we can see her lovely slender body from all angles. We also get some sexy glimpses of her cute feet with their red polished toes, but what really stand out are her luscious butt and its pouting rosebud. Your eyes will pop and your sperm will shoot when you see the startling closeups captured by Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews!

  • 00:10:42
  • Aug 28, 2011
  • 211


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