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private nicole gets naughty!

Nicole is a young female soldier with some time on her hands as we catch her naked on her bunk and fiddling with herself! The sexy private looks delectable indeed laying naked on her tummy, bare from her toes to her brunette tresses. She’s lost in her masturbation reverie until she sees us watching her, then she turns on her back and fingers her snatch while boldly looking right at us. Her dark-lipped pussy is juicy and obviously needs a good cock, but all the other soldiers must be out on maneuvers so Nicole has to enjoy some R&R all by her lonesome! She splits her snatch apart so wide you’ll know by its intense pinkness just how much she needs to be fucked and filled with hot cum. In fact, when she splays apart her lips, it almost looks as if she’s got a pup tent between her thighs! After cumming hard on her digits in the doggie position while hugging her pillow, Nicole then gets up and dresses for duty in her camouflage panties and uniform! All armies need more soldiers like Naughty Nicole!

  • 00:22:23
  • May 26, 2009
  • 150


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