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totally nude and ready to cum!

Christina Lee greets us on a couch with her naked body and especially her pierced pussy. She rubs her tits and then starts playing with her slit, which gets juicy quickly as her red-manicured fingers tug at the mound. Christina slides two digits inside, then roots them around in there before turning onto her tummy so we can see her butt as she masturbates. She has a very sexy back too, come to think of it! Next she gets on her knees and leans over the back of the couch, presenting herself to us in the doggie position, using those fingers again to demonstrate exactly where she’d like to feel a cock. Turning around yet again, she sits on her butt and plays with her snatch more, as our DDF cameras grab amazingly vivid closeups. You’ll be ready to put your tongue in there, because her crotch will seem so real and near on your screen! Then the set winds up with Christina pulling on a cute pair of powder blue panties and a dress...probably to go out to fuck some lucky stud!! Posing can make a gal real horny, we hear.

  • 00:12:46
  • Dec 14, 2008
  • 125


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